Oral Iron Supplementation and Constipation

At GUTFIT we have many female clients who tell us they have iron deficiency anaemia. Anaemia can be caused by conditions that must be medically managed such as bowel cancer, actively bleeding haemorrhoids, that are contra indications to a colonic treatment.

Most women at our clinic however have low iron levels due to a heavy menstrual cycle and perhaps their dietary intake does not contain adequate iron. They may because of gastro intestinal issues unable to absorb the iron from the foods they eat.

For menstruating women the monthly blood loss results in increased iron requirements. The iron requirements may be greater than the supply of iron from their diet and stores.

Breast feeding is also another way that can cause depletion of your iron stores.


It is important to know the difference between the terms low iron levels and low ferritin stores as they are easily confused.

Ferritin is a protein in your body that contains iron. Ferritin does not readily circulate in your blood stream, rather it is stored in your body’s cells as the primary form of iron until it is needed in your body’s cells. Around 25% of the iron in your body is stored as ferritin. Interestingly males have about 3 years of stored iron to be able to use, while women only have around 6 months supply to use.

Iron is both a nutrient and a trace element that is essential to the body. Without iron the body is unable to produce healthy red blood cells. The iron is used by the red blood cells to form the haemoglobin that carry oxygen and remove the waste product of carbon dioxide from the body. Haemoglobin is essential for transferring oxygen in your blood stream to your lungs then to your tissues.

Around 70 % of your iron is stored in the body in the form of haemoglobin, the rest as ferritin and also iron in a different form is stored in the spleen, liver and bone marrow.


  • Fatigue

  • Weakness

  • Headaches

  • Pale skin

  • Shortness of breath

  • Poor recovery from exertion

  • Brittle nails

  • Brain fog

  • Cold hands and feet

  • Chest pain

  • Fast heartbeat

  • General malaise

  • Soreness of the tongue

  • Constipation

  • Lowered immunity

Women are often prescribed oral iron supplements to boost their iron levels and stores to correct the iron deficiency. There are many iron supplements on the market and it is important to note that many of these ( ionic iron) can cause constipation and an upset stomach feeling with nausea.

When the ions in these type of supplements split in the stomach more water is drawn to the stomach and water is drawn away from the lower area of the gastro intestinal system making the faecal matter dry out and much more difficult to eliminate. So it is better to look for a non ionic form of iron.

Here at GUTFIT we know how being constipated can make you feel and we have a great home kit for sale via our website to keep you regular.

Once we are allowed to open the clinic and give treatments book a colonic to support your body and relieve yourself of your constipation and get yourself back on track.


  • Meat

  • Poultry

  • Fish

  • Legumes

  • Fruit

  • Enriched cereals

  • Egg yolks

  • Vegetables

Some dietary sources are easier to absorb than others and too much of greens like spinach can actually stop you absorbing your iron, as can tea and some medicines. Always take some vitamin C when you take iron as it helps its absorption. Oral Iron supplements are best taken on an empty stomach but if cause nausea take with food.

Lisa Taliana