
Research shows us that our immune system is influenced directly by our gut health, therefore it is important to understand ways we can incorporate self care into improving our overall health and wellbeing both physically and emotionally.

You may have seen and read about probiotics ( we will be discussing them in another blog),but we would like to educate about prebiotic’s for they are super important and in fact work directly with the bacteria  in your body.

Prebiotic’s  are a specific type of food that actually is not digested by the body like most other foods. It is because of the body's inability to digest these food stuffs which are types of plant fibres that they are able to do their important and specialized work in the the colon (the large intestine).

The body cannot digest these foods as they are heat resistant, therefore if heated or  cooked they are not destroyed like many other nutrients found in our foods. This means the prebiotic component of the food when eaten helps  make the right environment in the body so the  colon is able to grow bio cultures ( probiotics)  and stimulate metabolic activity , a very  important factor contributing to gut health.

When there is an increase in the amount and the metabolic  ( active working) activity level of  probiotics in the person’s  intestine, then there is a greater quantity of what is called healthy bacteria. Two common bacteria the human intestine thrives on are  lactobacillus and bifidobacteria.

At GutFit Heath after your Colon Hydrotherapy session we give you an oral probiotic capsule to take. By making sure you have the right type and levels of good bacteria in your colon  your gut is more resistant to any invading pathogens  ( ‘bad’ bacteria’s, viruses and parasites) you may have ingested and potentially make you feel ill. Or you have no symptoms but they destroy your good bacteria that results in an imbalance of your good and bad bacteria levels. Eventually you may get symptoms of an imbalance such as skin rashes, bloating, poor digestion, foggy mind, diarrhoea, nausea,  weight gain, asthma and eczema .

An example  of an imbalance would be Canadia ( a fungus),  when it grows in the large intestine it  exerts its effect by destroying off  the good bacteria responsible for keeping your immune system functioning.  Canadia has an amazing ability to attach itself on to the GUT wall( can be from the mouth to anus) and not allow the good bacteria  to have any room on the gut wall lining to attach to , which is necessary to create a therapeutic environment for the Gut to remain healthy. Canadia is often  difficult to treat and it is very easy to develop overgrowth of this fungus in your body, so if possible best to not get it in the first place! But if you do you must sow the gut with prebiotic seeds first to strengthen the existing and developing probiotics present in the colon

Here at GUTFIT we promote guthealth by offering Colon Hydrotherapy and the option of administering medical grade probiotics directly into the colon. Our probiotic colonic infusion is one of our most popular treatments. Fabulous for those  travelling overseas or returning, after using Antibiotics, or when under physical and emotional stress.The probiotic infusion  may help your body fight off possible infections, help you not get sick with a gastric bug when travelling and generally support your wellbeing.

The more prebiotic's that the bacteria ( probiotics) that live in your body have to eat the healthier and highly functioning gut you will have.

Food stuffs that contain prebiotic's  are referred to as Functional foods. They are a source of dietary fibre, such specific fibre initiates the growth of good bacteria. It's like if you want to grow some vegetables from some  seeds you have, you know they may grow in  poor soil but you will get a better crop, better quality and nutritional composition of produce if you take the time to pre prepare the soil with the right nutrients. Your gut, your intestine is the same. Prebiotic's  are the foundation, building blocks of good gut and immune system health.

Therefore pre and probiotics work  more effectively ( synergistic action) when taken together and there are functional  foods been developed which contain both and  are named symbiotic products.


Functional food sources are readily available and easily introduced into our daily diet. One of the most common food sources is the prebiotic dietary fibre is inulin. Many of the  vegetables that contain fructose are good sources, so daily in your meal preparation include onions, leeks, garlic, cabbage, asparagus, artichokes. But if  you are fructose intolerant you will not be able to consume large amounts each day of these foods or at one meal so you can spread out your consumption over the day and you may find as your gut health improves  and so may your tolerance level to these specific foods. You may have noticed if you read the ingredients on packaged foods  or you buy  such products as cereals, yogurt products they have inulin added. Again okay for most but if fructose intolerant you will need to ensure you do not overload your body with too much inulin.   

Other foods sources:

  • Fermented foods such as sauerkraut

  • Raw chicory root ( you may have had it by drinking the non caffeine drink)

  • Dandelion greens ( also contains lots of vitamin K which the body uses for blood clotting)

  • Wheat Bran

  • Raw banana

  • Sweet Potatoes ( yams)

  • Kefir

  • Cheeses

How much needed:

Generally it is agreed that individuals need a minimum of 5 grams of foods that are prebiotic nutrient dense.

If you have concerns about consuming 5 grams daily or you can't eat many of the suggested foods  as your digestive issues are too complex or acute in nature  then you can buy prebiotic powders to use. Science everyday is working with nutritionists to help people consume Prebiotic’s in their everyday foods.

Visit us at GUTFIT Colon Hydrotherapy clinic and talk to one of our knowledgeable therapists about your individual health concerns and they will support you in getting back to great health and a sense of wellbeing again.


Lisa Taliana