Sleep and Gut

We're all familiar with that feeling of sleep deprivation, whether it's from work deadlines, physical discomfort, being overtired, or experiencing so much stress that our bodies simply refuse to relax and let us rest.

We've all encountered the foggy brain, short attention span, mood swings, muscle aches, and fatigue that accompany lack of sleep, especially when it becomes a long-term issue. Just ask any parent of young children how well-rested they feel!

Sometimes our society has led us to believe that if we're tired and sleep-deprived, it means we're working hard and must be achieving success. You've probably heard the saying, "Plenty of time to rest when you're dead!"

Numerous studies have delved into the adverse effects of sleep deprivation on our gut health. Symptoms like stomach aches, bloating, poor digestion, sluggishness, and changes to the gut microbiome are common. Often, individuals become severely constipated due to the body lacking enough energy to effectively eliminate waste. People with Irritable Bowel Syndrome often experience flare-ups when they're sleep deprived.

Research has indicated that the diversity of your microbiome is directly linked to sleep efficiency, quality, and the total amount of sleep you get. Since our physical and mental health are affected by our gut-brain axis, it stands to reason that improper sleep will lead to increased stress and adverse effects on your colon.

Here at GutFit Health, we can assist you in cleansing your colon and feeling significantly better so you can enjoy a restful night's sleep.

Come on in and experience relaxation and improved sleep after your session.

Cathy Purcell