Can I have a Colonic Session While Menstruating?

Yes! you may have noticed that when you have your period that you feel congested, heavy , crampy and achy in the pelvic area.Bloated in the abdomen, with possible low back discomfort. You may feel lethargic and flat in mood. Maybe also experiencing constipation like a lot of women do at this time in their cycle.

Don’t feel embarrassed, or not come into the Clinic. We are really happy at GUTFIT to be able to offer a colonic treatment that will make your symptoms so much better and you will generally feel much more comfortable. Many women tell us after a colonic they feel less heavy, less bloated and get back some energy. Colonics are an appropriate treatment to use while you are premenstrual, have your period and after it has finished.

We ask prior to the treatment starting to remove your tampon if using and at the end of the treatment use the machine hose as normal to wash yourself and insert a new tampon. It is as easy as that.

Cathy Purcell