
With Easter fast approaching we thought it would be a good idea to discuss some ways you can enjoy Easter, the chocolate eggs , hot cross buns with lashings of butter, a few indulgent Easter meals and drinks, but still come away from the celebrations with your gut health on track.

Firstly prepare your body for those days of indulgence by eating nutrient dense foods in the days prior. Be mindful of your food choices, trying to where possible choose a diet rich in plant foods, so that means lots of health enriching vegetables and fruits.

Up your hydration levels by setting yourself a goal of drinking two litres of fluids a day. They may be vegetable juices , herbal tea and water. Try and steer away from consuming too much coffee, alcohol, fizzy drinks and fruit juices as these usually contain loads of sugar, not much nutrient value and very little fibre. Always choose to eat the whole fruit over its juice form. Green juices that contain cucumber, celery , spinach and kale are great choices and if you need a bit of sweetness add a little apple or some berries. Because making your own juices is time consuming and messy ( we all hate cleaning our juicer!) , make up a days worth of juice and store in an airtight container so it will last a day or two and keep its goodness.

Come in for a colonic, we are open , so check our website for days and available times to book in.

Easter break is a great time to give your body some self care, so maybe add a infra red sauna to your colonic session and you will feel wonderful and your body will thank you.

We know so many of our clients after Easter can’t wait to visit the clinic to support their body that is feeling mighty sluggish after all the eating. Book in so you can get your preferred day and time.

If you are going to eat those chocolate eggs the buns, and the great Easter meals then eat with JOY not guilt. Easter comes once a year so relish the experience and just go for it. If you are blessed and are sharing you Easter with family and or friends just allow yourself to enjoy the experience. After last year COVID Easter we are so lucky we can all be together.

We are getting fantastic client feedback about our Urban Cleanse/ Retreat program. Clients love that they can continue working and it is really helping their body and mind to reset back into wellness mode.

Commonly clients before the program say they are experiencing sluggishness, low energy, constipation, bloating, brain fog, insomnia, and feel stressed and anxious. After the 15 day program they tell us how much better they feel with their symptoms greatly diminished or completely gone. Lots of these pre program symptoms are what you may experience after Easter and all the inevitable sugar you consume.

We would love to support you in the program after Easter, so have a read on the website of what’s involved and book in, you won’t regret this investment in yourself.

We wish you all a wonderful Easter and we look forward to seeing you soon at GutFit Health.

Cathy Purcell