Messages From Your Colon

Your large intestine, colon or as sometimes called your bowel, doesn’t send you texts, Facebook or Instagram messages! but it does if you are tuned into your body give you physical and feeling messages, that when all pieced together tell you a story about not only your colon health but also your general health and wellbeing. This is why it is really important to know when these messages are sent to you and the proactively respond to them.

We at GUTFIT always get asked if the frequency of elimination is important and if the the person’s pattern of elimination is normal.

Taking note of how often you eliminate , how easy or difficult this is for you, the consistency of the faecal matter, odour, volume, are all really important things to consider, because if there is changes then we have a better idea of why that’s happening. Any acute changes in your normal elimination such as rectal bleeding, incomplete elimination, blood in faecal matter, unexplained weight loss, abdominal pain,must be investigated by your doctor.

A great place to start understanding what your faecal matter should be like is to refer to the Bristol Stool Scale chart.

Some people eliminate daily or after each meal, others only a few times a week. Women particularly are directly impacted in their elimination patterns by their hormones and menstrual cycle. The liver metabolises the female hormone called oestrogen. The conjugated form ( deactivated form) is then sent to the large intestine via the bile that is also delivered there from the gall bladder. If your microbiome ( bacteria) levels aren’t adequate ( called the estrobolome) then it is difficult for the body to metabolise and remove it via your faecal matter and urine so reabsorption takes place that can lead to some health concerns. Fibre directly plays a vital role here as if your diet isn’t fibre rich containing such food stuffs as fruits, seeds, vegetables, then the oestrogen cannot bind and be eliminated. Such health concerns could include oestrogen dominance symptoms such as breast tenderness, pre menstrual syndrome and fluid retention.

Many women visit GUTFIT for a colonic at this time to actually relieve some of the pelvic congestion symptoms. It is totally safe to have a colonic during your period.

Before your period begins progesterone levels start to build upon your body , this physiological event can cause your digestive system to slow down and result in an episode of constipation.

In times of stress you may experience constipation or diarrhoea depending on your nervous system response. People often find when in an acute stress situation they may have an episode of diarrhoea but chronic stress depletes their body so constipation is the result .

So what is the bench mark definition of healthy elimination ? It is a bowel movement that allows you to empty your colon often enough in frequency so you do-not feel any abdominal pain, nor bloated and the faecal matter was easily passed and a feeling of complete elimination.

We here at GUTFIT believe elimination should be daily, to us this indicates the colons transit time is good, and the faecal matter consistency normal as per the Bristol scale. Often though even when you eliminate daily a lot of faecal matter is left behind and in time becomes hardened and coats the colons lining. Colon hydrotherapy is a safe effective way to help remove this and promote good colon health. Because the colon is at least 1.5 metres in length it is capable of holding a lot of gas, water and faecal matter so a series of colonics is the best way to ensure you efficiently and adequately cleanse your colon.

You may think to yourself “l am ok then because l have daily diarrhoea which means my colon would be clean”? Unfortunately that’s not correct, in fact diarrhoea is usually due to an infection and can lead to many large intestine disorders so should be treated. A visit to your Doctor is a good starting place then if given the all clear coming for a few Colonics that can help flush out any bad bacteria present and any parasites. As colonics is a active procedure where your colon works hard, in the long term it is thought just like any muscle in the body that it too can learn to regulate and strengthen its contractions ( called peristalsis). As we are fully into the festive season it is really important to support your health by nurturing your colon and committing to establishing and maintains your body’s peak performance.

We wish you a wonderful Festive season and look forward to supporting you on your individual health journey next year.

Cathy Purcell